
Looking for low-cost health care?  You will find our prices very good.  Payment is expected at the time of service. Cash, check, credit/debit cards are accepted.


We are a direct-pay clinic.  We do not participate with any health insurance (we are a no-insurance clinic).  However, if you have insurance, you are still welcome here.  You can submit your receipt to your health insurance provider if you choose.  (Outside labs, prescriptions, imaging tests, or referrals are usually still covered by your insurance as they normally would be.)  Read here if you have Medicare  here if you have Medicaid


Office or Wellness Visits cover most issues, and many things included in that price

Office Visit $125.00
Office Visit with PA-C or NP $105.00

Office Visit, Extended (complex issues, > 3 issues, preop eval.)

Wellness-Adult $185.00
Wellness-Child $135.00
Health Screen $65.00
Sports/School/Employ. Physical $55.00
Nurse Visit $40.00
New Patient Fee (paid at first visit, in addition to visit fee) $50.00
No-Show Fee $25.00


These procedures can be done without an additional Visit charge

(Pathology (lab) is an additional cost)  See more about procedures

Simple skin  procedures:
abscess drainage, tongue frenotomy, nail removal, shave biopsy, 

curettage, 2 mm punch biopsy,

skin tag removal/cryotherapy/chemical cautery (up to 5 lesions),


Skin procedure with excision or wound closure:

skin excision (any size), skin cysts, lipomas, laceration repair,

4 or 6 mm punch biopsy


Each additional lesion or skin tag/cryo/cautery

>5 lesions


Endometrial biopsy $200.00
Complex skin procedures $280.00

Other Procedures

For these procedures, a Visit charge required in addition

Joint & trigger point injections/aspirations $50.00
Medication (injection, IV, or nebulizer) $45.00

Things Included in Visit Charge

These labs, tests, and procedures are included in the Visit charge

Ankle Brachial Index (ABI)

(test for peripheral vascular disease, or PVD) 


Ear Flush (for ear wax) FREE

In-office labs:
Blood sugar, influenza A&B, RSV, Strep test, Urinalysis, Urine pregnancy test

Newborn screen FREE
Peak Flow measurement (asthma) FREE
Pulse Oximetry (SpO2) FREE


These medications do not require an additional Visit charge 

Depo shot (birth control)

(administered in clinic)


Sublingual immunotherapy 
(billed through outside pharmacy; administered at home)


Labs (We draw labs in our clinic)

You are not obligated to use us for outside labs, but we have great prices.  We can collect specimens (blood and other) for most labs. 


See here for Lab pricing       We offer STD screening

Office Tests

These Office Tests can be done without an additional Visit charge

Audiogram $19.00
EKG (ECG) $60.00
Fecal occult blood test (home kit)   $50.00

Patient Supplies

Visit charge required in addition

Arm sling $13.00
Cast or Splint $50.00


(partial refund if returned in good condition)



There is no additional vaccine administration fee 

DTap, Polio, or Hib $82.00
Hepatitis A or B-pediatric $82.00
Hepatitis A or B-adult $110.00
Meningitis ACWY (Menquadfi) $198.00
MMR $135.00
Prevnar (PCV 20) $297.00
Rotavirus (Rotateq) $137.00
Shingles (Shingrix) $224.00
Tetanus (Td or Tdap) $86.00
Varicella (chickenpox) $216.00

Most other vaccines available through special order.

Find out how to get other vaccines that we don't carry in stock


Flu, Gardasil (HPV), Yellow Fever, RSV, COVID-19, Dengue, Mpox vaccines, and RSV medication (nirsevimab) are not available through our clinic (including special order).

Labs, X-rays, and other tests done by outside facilities are at additional cost.

We do not charge any annual membership or retainer fees.

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