Vaccines (immunizations) can prevent many diseases, but there are many considerations including risk of side effects. We are happy to discuss the risks and benefits of any vaccine or any questions you may have. Many people are looking for a "vaccine-friendly" or "anti vaccine-friendly" doctor, but finding a doctor who will accept patients who do not vaccinate or who partially vaccinate is hard. While we generally advise getting the recommended vaccines, we support your right to choose what vaccines to get and when for yourself or your children.
We carry most common vaccines in stock (see prices); most others can be special-ordered. Special-ordered vaccines must be pre-paid. Simply call us at 281-259-7400 to order vaccines or for any questions.
See more vaccine resources below
CDC, Find the latest recommendation for immunizations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
Click here for immunization schedule (0-18 years old)
Click here for immunization schedule for Adults
COVID 19 vaccine, we don't carry this vaccine, but if you are interested in getting it, you can find where it is offered: Need more information about COVID 19 vaccination? Find out more information here:
FDA, Complete list of licensed vaccines in the US
Immunization Action Coalition, An organization with the stated goal of increasing immunization rates; however, they provide a great deal of factual information, including vaccine package inserts
National Vaccine Information Center, An organization describing itself as "an independent clearinghouse for information on diseases and vaccine science, policy, law and the ethical principle of informed consent"
Physicians for Informed Consent, An organization that provides objective information about infectious diseases and vaccines, including risks and benefits of vaccines
School requirements in Texas, Information from the Texas Department of State Health Services on state-required immunizations for school and college
See also information on exemptions:
Are you going to be traveling?
We can help you with all your travel medicine needs. Find out more here.
Rarely, the Yellow Fever vaccine is required for travel to foreign countries
Find a clinic where this vaccine is available